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A result survey amongst leading business houses across the country conducted by a website Design Company Delhi showed very encouraging signs for social media's role in spite of its sluggish nature. Over 75% of surveyed companies said that they feel social media is an integral component of their promotion campaign. Moreover, majority of people are happy to invest in social media with its future gains in mind. It shows that although social media hasn't caught the sales bandwagon yet, its potential is very bright.

The reason me and many industry experts are so confident of the success of social media is that it offers a unique privilege for the businesses to have two way interactions with the existing and prospective customers. Every other medium is basically a one way communication channel where the company talks and talks knowing if the customers are listening or not. Here the response is instant and much more personalized.
The challenge with social media marketing is a little different. The success of this medium depends on how tactfully you talk to the customers by making them feel that you are here for them and somehow add on the sales talk in between. Unless the sale message is subtle, it will be not being appreciated.
This medium is even more suited for products or services are contemporary in nature. There is a very strong connect between youth and social media. Therefore, anything said to them via this medium is most likely to leave an impact on them.
If it's so good then why it is slow? Well, first of all - it's new. The acceptance level has still not reached the desired levels. Even the companies that have their Facebook and Twitter pages are not very sure how to use them well. We can say that it is still in the hit & trial stage. But there is no doubt that as it ages, it will become stronger and stronger. Who know one day this might be the best salesman your company ever had.
Addictive Media Is a professional Website Design Company Delhi. We are India's fastest Growing Company of Web Design Delhi & Web Designing Delhi We are providing website design and web development services for businesses.